
Typeface Evening

I felt a lot of my theory work surrounding my dissertation / sketchbook grids was very presumptuous as I have never personally designed a typeface. Also with all the different theories that I have researching I felt I had enough of an understanding to start.
It has given me a huge amount of confidence about how to design a typeface and I feel it will have a significant benefit on my dissertation. Also ties in well with my new focus for my dissertation 'how have computers affected modern typography' exploring ideas about lack of concept... theories which I have tried to apply when designing my own typeface.

Given the time scale left in the module it would be hard to create anything of an amazingly high standard I set myself some key limitations surrounding the x height / descenders etc. I drew up a basic typeface on graph paper and drew some variations of a few letters before starting on the finished typeface. I am not at a point where I can draw the typeface in illustrator making it much easier to make quick changes to letters.
The different specs that I set myself were -
30mm x height, 15mm descender, 50mm cap height.

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