
Crit 08.11.12

I received some great feedback this week, both in terms of both content and positive reactions to each brief. It was good to have a lot to show people but one comment mentioned the lack of physical brief with the work - something I will do during the next crits.
I will fill out another time plan at the end of this week so I can take my feedback and progress appropriately.

General Comments
The quality is good, you've developed a really pleasing aesthetic approach to your work
Would be helpful to see printed briefs / rationales to see your plans for distribution
Wide breadth of practical development
Clear definition between your ideas / concepts and practice

Typography Sketchbooks
The Spiekermann Grid - Could incorporate some hidden type / image to make the grid interactive
The Spiekermann grids show that you've researched the history and production of typefaces
The blank grids offer the audience a starting point to be inspired by the analogy of abc on the left
If the lines were slightly faded / user friendly, they might spur more of an interaction with the user
It makes you want to pick up a pencil and start drawing
Consider handing out some grids to see what people return
Idea is nice - lots of people would enjoy using them
Potentially increase the gutter between the Renner grid

Unit Bookshop
Icons - Choice of imagery could be difficult to relate to context
Maybe explore more obvious patterns
Grey stock is the most effective
Interesting use of space and experimentation with composition on posters
The patterns that extend off the page are interesting
The typeface sits well in a heavy weight but might compromise readability
Experiment with weights and do practical tests
Architecture posters are a nice idea. More effective with lower stroke
Grey and green stocks seem more appropriate than the brown

Science of Spice
The grey is a little to faint in places, a green or just a darker shade could improve the legibility.
Consider what stocks the poster would be printed onto
Maybe try adding cork or rubber stoppers onto the test tubes
Make a guideline of what colours, stocks etc to use
Spice rack is a good idea - combination of science and cooking goes hand in hand
Could you create a specific spice rack based on certain meals?
For example a specific rack for roast dinner
The grey stock works better than the grey because it stands out more against the rack

Untitled Sans
Not keen on the letter 'R'
Some look really contemporary while others look futuristic

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