
Concept Crit 24.10.12

Making good progress with each of my briefs (putting cymatics to the side for the moment) I will keep my feedback sheets to refer back to when I get stuck during the next stages of my design process.

Conceptual Development
Spice - Good range of deliverables - Distribution?
What kind of audience, how would people access it?
Consider an app for easy accessibility
Great concept, how would it fit in the kitchen?
For home or a professional kitchen?
Culinary exhibition, makes sense with the name
Type Sketchbooks
Good range, focus on quality not quantity (not sure if they read the brief)
A lot of deliverables

Broad range of research covered, have other projects taken a scientific
approach for subject matter?
What are the deliverables?

Research is evident - relevant and informative
Strong project content and resesarch, start applying to design
Tons of Research

Practical Investigation
Spice - Type development is good, prefer the clear type based logo,
serif v sans serif / Try balancing the hierarchy with weight, light v bold
Stock choices / printing process?

Spice Logo - Clear & informative, stencil type doesn't work as well, solid type works better
Herb Logo - Something that has a lighter weight, please don't use helvetica though

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