Some of my research into architecture opened my eyes to more routes to take for the identity. Also as I needed to develop the patterns to intergrate with my logo. These represent the different materials used and how designers denote each through their drawings.
I also like the idea that people from other practices wouldn't understand the reference which could be a starting point to connect the practices, maybe some sort of little note, ask an architecht or ask an artist.
Also as all of the patterns will represent each practice it will appeal not only individually to each creative but as a visual for a collec
Printing on alternative materials is another option, representing the key fabrics / materials used in each practice.
The art patterns were based on different movements with the last few hundred years of design.
1 - Pointillism
2 - Cubism
3 - Modernism
4 - Abstract expressionism
The top pattern represents
the second
the third
& the last
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