
Hot Dog Fold

After spending too many hours working out how I get a grid where the folds would fit into the middle of the columns I finally worked it out! Bit of a cheat but I took the 1 of the 841 x 594 A1 format allowing the guides I made to fit between the columns meaning it will be even and considered when reading through the pages. and still look organised when folded out.
This is an image of the final document set up I decided on - this will be fold out poster of the science of spice table as well as the page of recipies printed in small text and comes with a magnifying glass.
"The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment"

I was also working out how I could break down the format of a hot dog fold book and restructure it to make it more unique and interesting. After a lot of tried and failed attempts I realised that the original format is far more effective as the new folds leave messy and disorganised edges. The scribd document shows some of the formats that I have been playing with.

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