
Tech Specs

After working on the cymatics book I started applying the techniques Mike has been teaching us to the book.
I need to keep applying these techniques to start preparing me for working on any sort of prospectus and other such designs. Also after working on my typography sketchbooks without any of this knowledge I understand how useful it actually is! Re-kerning 150 page numbers was an absolute pain.
Nice options for changing the numbers and applying them to different sections.
The A master is also really helpful, again setting a modular grid up on each page was a real pain. I feel a lot more confident in using the software now, and after having a catch up with Mike after missing the first session I am confident in my use of images.
The main thing I need to work on now is my use of baselines, Joe Gilmore sent Oli a link that I will have a read over and blog so I have something to reference back to.
and considering my type a bit more. Although I consider my choice of typeface I don't understand grids quite.

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