
Grids Grids Gridzszzz

After hearing Joe Gilmore speak last week I felt I knew even less about using type, I wanted to make sure that I got it as perfect as possible for my boards. This way when it comes to making my portfolio I will have a simple grid and layout to work from. This tutorial was particularly useful when explaining the use of baselines.

I also saved all my files in .tiffs to make sure I don't lose any quality when resizing the images and compressing them each time as JPEGS.
Using the 11pt leading to set my baseline and then selecting the align baseline grid assures consistency throughout the boards.
 I have my body text set at 9 keeping headers the same size but using avenir 'black' to maintain a hierarchy within the layout.
The margins are also done using multiples of one another making sure there is consistency between the borders, margins and gutters.

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