
Boards Feedback 05.12.12

Fairly successful crit with 99% positive feedback with a few comments that I will take into account. I will use this as my general action plan for the following week. I will upload some final images of boards over the weekend when all the type has been added.

General Comments
Spices brief photographed well
Maybe include a hand or something else to give an idea of scale
Great documentation of experimental product, will there be a final product?
Clear and simple presentation
Amazing photography for Upfront Project - boards are consistent and clear
BLog is clear - can see practical devellopment, work photographed well

Blogs Content
Blog has a clear development, demonstrating & describing the process... no issues here
Good blend of visuals and written annotation
Easy to follow and get a good understanding of your work

Blogs Organisation
All easy to locate - labels are perfect, all content is easy to find no problems
The amount of scribd documents slows the page down
All posts clearly labelled and documented - easy to navigate through

Presentation Boards content
For all boards make sure the first board is high impact
Include shots of the products in environment / context photos
Boards are clear but might have been better with products as well as boards
This would aid the understanding of the physical presence of the products

Presentation Boards
Consistent format - layout is fine, no boards stand out as being different
Some information mixed up on the boards

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