

I started working on a logo while Dom developed the video aspects of the project, we stuck with the circle logo for a visual, based on the speaker from last years project. We felt it was core to the progression from the previous 'Cymatics' brief. Also it fits well in context with the type / layout work. The idea was to create something that could be read from all angles and given the name of the project, it can be read in either direction and it doesn't change the definition. It also represents a sort of symmetry between sound and audio. The lines in the logo are reflective of those Dom was using to create the sound-waves.
The idea for the logo stemmed from initial type tests on the third page of this document, where I was extending the points to make it look like a sound-wave. We wanted something simple and bold, which I feel I have answered. The division of labour has been particularly successful in this brief, and we have achieved a lot in a few days, just need to make sure we maintain this progress and finish the brief giving ourselves time to finish our other projects.

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