

I have no gathered all the information that I want to include in the booklet for the back of the periodic table. This is a basic breakdown of the sections and how the layout will work...

T h e   s e c t i o n s   a r e . . .
Cover - Logo / quote about science
Spice tastes - Categories and explain the patterns
Pre Mixed Spices - Contents of each one
Make your own spice mixes

The dark grey areas represent text free zones, as due to the folding of the poster I don't want to lose any information.

Page numbers always stay on the bottom left and right... not 100% if they need to be in there so may take them out.

The boxes with dotted slanted lines match the periodic table and represent information about the page / topics of each page.

Header will be kept in 4 gridded boxes top let / right of each page and body text in the second large box.

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