
Visualising Sound - 1

After realising that we needed to make some serious progress with our Cymatics brief we decided to dedicate two days towards the experiments and start gathering visuals. I started on the MP3 conversion files the day before the experiments. We tried a variety of experiments and completely destroyed the speaker but got some amazing visuals to work with.

Test 1 - Grey Board Attempt 1
Using a piece of grey board on the top of the speaker and various viscosities of paint we experimented with a variety of songs to see what visuals we could achieve as well as practical research. Wasn't as successful as it could have been, mainly due to the songs cutting out and the wrong paint / water mixture the paint became dorment and lifeless.
It was the unsuccessful parts of this experiment that have led the others to be far more successful, a very important part of the process. It also opened our eyes to the possibilities of these processes and what methods we could take to record each one.

Test 2 - Grey Board Attempt 2
Much more successful but less organised, these tests were aimed more towards finding out how to get the best results in relation to the size of the board / amount of paint. We discovered that when some of the paints reacted with the inks they formed a solid skin and stopped moving.

We also started working with consistent amounts of paint using a cap-full for each side of the speaker or colour of paint. Another approach was putting pressure on the speaker meaning the paint flew up higher but gave us less successful video results.

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