
Book Shop Name!

After struggling with a name for the book shop I decided to return to my existing research and be a bit more decisive.
The initial names were all surrounding the idea of co-operation / education circles, such as coaction, integrate etc. None of these however felt appropriate or suitable for the concept bookshop I am proposing.
My new idea stemmed from my research into the 'Design Research Unit' thinking how the name could be altered to be suitable for a bookshop.


Design Research Unit
Design Research Unit
Creative Research Unit
Creative Unit
New Research Unit
Design Research Unit

Unit seemed like a perfect name given its contextual re reference to the 'design research unit' but I needed a few definition to confirm my idea which they did perfectly. Also as books are essential units of information I wanted to see how this could fit into the project.

Definitions of Unit
- Any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange.
- An individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole.
- An organization regarded as part of a larger social group
- A single undivided whole.

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