
The Devils in the Details

I have been reading through some of the old ISTD briefs to see what I could do for a simple day brief, seeing if any of them provoked any ideas. After going all the way back to 2002, I found this brief entitled 'The Devils in the Details' which instantly grabbed me. My dissertation research has lead me to understand far more about the details in typography as well as my practice improving my own use of type. This felt like a nice easy brief to produce a simple but effective piece of design.

The concept it to make a book / booklet entitled 'The Devils in the Tittle' defining the diamond tittle of Johnston sans as one of its original crafted details that make it so beautiful and contemporary even though it was designed nearly 100 years ago. There are plenty of other details and thoughts involved in the typeface that make it so effective. The booklet will be aimed a typographers and young designers who may not understand the processes and history behind typography, aimed to make them understand that good typography is not something ornamental but rather a considered, creative and technical process.

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