
Title Sequence Timeline

Found it extremely hard to get any idea of time for the title sequence using only storyboards, when the sheet has been cut up into strips it makes it much clearer. The first sequence has potential and works with my current storyboarded ident ideas. Sticking with the greys and possibly adding a few subtle colours to add some more depth to the photos. Finally starting to get a better idea of how my final sequence will come together, I know the photos slightly to large but it makes them easy to refer back to if I don't have access to them while I'm on After Effects, also shows my brief annotations but its the arrows that play a more significant role in showing how the different elements interact and move.

I will now get onto After Effects and see how the movements that I have depicted through these videos look on screen. Hopefully my timing has been relatively close to how it will be on screen, I will focus on the top time-line as the colour seems irrelevant after looking into the new More 4 Branding. The new branding does work with the first title sequence but I am choosing not to include the logo because if the programme is already on the channel there will be idents between adverts.

The visuals are consistent with the target audience - clean contrasting and the imagery will be my recent mask experiments using the architectural plans of bridges put into a pre composed file. The high contrast images flickering (around 6 images a second) sit really well on the grey. I was going to consider the relation to the channel branding but after browsing through 4oD I have realised very few of the other programmes have any channel information in the title sequence (they do in the idents - explore this point in another post)

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