
Sketchbooks Mock Ups

I wanted to apply a bind that wasn't permanent allowing the user to take grids out of the book as they please easing the scanning stages and giving them a larger area to work with. The thought that immediately came to mind was elastic bands, they are simple, easy to make the books with and

The main issue was finding a stock that could take the strain of the elastic band, this was something I addressed in the later models but I'm happy I made these with enough time to get over these issues.
This was one of the other main issues, the stock was slightly too thick, wouldn't advise putting this through the printer. Also the elastic bands I decided on in the end didn't work with the blue and red covers.. This is what made me stick with the white covers.

This is the book mocked up using the thick card from the library which was too thick and the top layers split when it was folded, I tried scoring it a few different ways but I decided against the stock. Will keep searching for an alternative.

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