
Story Board Ideas

Finally got started on my storyboards just want to have a discussing with Mike at some point this week and find out what the limits to working in 3D in After Effects. Decided to take photos before and after adding colour to see which was better suited to the More 4 Idents. The colour designs are better suited to the channel but need to decide it is right for my desired target audience.

The first few storyboards were tedious and over complicated which ended up taking up more time that I expected. I have realised that I can simplify the movements and imagery but still communicate the desired ident idea.


These are some storyboards working with the More 4 branding, saw a new More 4 ident on TV the other day so I will look into that and see if I can get any more information on the re-brand. This may give my visual approach something more direction and gain me a greater insight to my target audience. These designs are a long way from what I saw on TV so the re-branding research is an urgent issue. The vibrant colour schemes contrast well with the vectored bridge designs, the technique I would need to use to achieve these videos is 'right on', I have discussed it with a few class mates but want to develop my ideas through my storyboarding before I commit to After Effects.

The grey design at the bottom has the strongest visual reference to architecture, the combination with structural elements the grey tones seemed particularly suitable. I do however want to consider adding some brighter tones to contrast the clean visuals.

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