

Questionnaire that I have done to try and define a target audience as well as a need for this project. I want to see how open people are to experiencing records. I also wanted to find out how many people have experienced them especially at my age where we never grew up with them but they have always been such an iconic symbol for music. I have printed off 50 copies for the moment but

Vinyl Questionnaire

Would you classify yourself as a music enthusiast?
Yes                                    No

How do you typically listen to music?
CD’s                                    MP3 / iPod                        Records                        Radio
Other ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Where do you usually listen to music?
On the go                        Home                                    Nightclubs           
Other ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

A. Do you own any vinyls?
B. If so you do you still listen to them?
A. Yes                                    No
B. Yes                                    No

What would put you off buying vinyl records?
Price                                    Size                                    Portability
Other ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

A. Have you ever experienced playing and listening to Vinyl?
B. If no would you be willing to try it?
A. Yes                                    No
B. Yes                                    No

A. Did you know vinyl’s have better sound density than standard MP3 files?
B. Would this information have any effect on how you listen to your music?
A. Yes                        No
B. Yes                        No

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