
Visual Language

End of Module Self-Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
Th first set of skills I have developed through this module are very technically based, the type and grid sessions gave me an insight to how work that is similar to mine is done professionally and technically, I have since used these skills within other projects and have made a large impact on my personal and professional development within graphic design.

The second area has been based around visual thinking, the early sessions while cutting up letters and exploring different ways of representing different words was really interesting and again has had a large impact on my design practice as well as personal development in graphic design.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
During the what is a line brief I managed to go to a few museums and spent a lot of time drawing / researching visually. This gave me an interesting body of work to start analysing and thinking about graphically but I also found it very hard to focus on designing something. The museum also gave me reliable and interesting research that would have been far less inspiring had I found it all out online. The museum also allowed me to see the bikes and really expanded my knowledge of what they actually looked like in relation to size, textures and materials.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I think in the studio sessions especially ones that I had a previous interest in I really

4. What weakness can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
During the end of this module my time management has been apauling, I was not able to focus on an idea and my research was very direct. I think through my work I need to take a range of different paths to explore and really take my ideas in alternative directions.

Within the what is a line brief I found the information I was trying to work with was not particularly interesting to me which made it hard to make it interesting for someone reading / looking through the zine. Another issue within the what is a line brief I didn't complete much primary research (quantitive / qualitative) and I think this had a large impact on my personal interest in the work.

5. Identify five things you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. Get a much better idea of target audience, I expect to make a piece of design that is more specific and relevant to the chosen people reading it and hopefully making it more interesting for them.
2. When researching take my work in a range of directions and really explore every possibility within the chosen theme before focusing and developing one idea. This will leave me with better informed and  unique designs
3. Really push my final idea and not be afraid to make mistakes - hopefully learn from these mistakes and utilise things that have worked and apply them to other projects
4. Improve on my time management and juggling of different briefs, help me prepare for second and third year as well as the real world.
5. Make sure I pay attention to my blogging for visual language, give me a better informed knowledge and understanding of visual thinking. It will also go towards my time management and will avoid me having to do any last minute blogging.

7. How would you grade yourself on the following areas?
5 = excellent  4 = very  good  3 = good  2 = average 1 = poor

Attendance  - 5
Punctuality - 3
Motivation - 4
Commitment - 3
Quantity of work produced - 3
Quality of work produced - 3

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