
Title Sequence Rough

Status update with the video, I wanted to upload it because it gives me some security in case anything happens to my files, or there are any other technical issues, but also to show how it looks without the extra work.

My plan was to put the video together with the music using the direction from my storyboards and practice videos. This isn't exactly how I want the final video as there are parts where the sound doesn't fit with the movement, also the audio on the ending isn't ideal. I will now spend the next few days fine tuning the movements and applying different effects to make the movements flowing and lifelike.

I don't think it is appropriate to put the More 4 logo on the title sequence because there is no need for it as the programme is already on. I have however decided that it will work perfectly with the idents going for the same abstract approach but with the text at the end the same way current More 4 idents play through. The only time the More 4 logo comes up on current programming is at the end of shows.

The one major change that I think should be made is either taking the titles away from the beginning and putting them at the end to avoid people turning it on and not knowing what its about. This is the way most current TV title sequences are done, but it might be applicable to put titles at the beginning and end of the sequence because of its abstract nature.

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