
Final VIdeos - Silent Movies

The finshed quality of the videos is what I think pulls them together along with the vibrant set of background colours. I am really happy that I ended up revisiting these to round them off and apply some of my new found skills in After Effects. I could have possibly spent more time on them at the beginning of the module but I lacked confidence and often ended up avoiding using the software. My storyboards for the initial ideas were of a high craft quality but didn't necessarily represent what could be done in After Effects.

When I started to become more fluent in my use of the software my storyboards started to make much more sense with labelling around timing etc. I choose not to produce a huge amount of timelines but instead mark out where things would come in at what times etc on my storyboards. After progressing in my software use somewhat I did eventually discover the benifit of storyboards, also when I moved away from producing storyboards that took an hour each I defiantly managed broadened my range of ideas and designs. I however find it extremely tedious tracing type and don't think that it is the best method for me personally to get ideas done.

Another major learning curve around this project was the revisiting of older briefs to really give them a clean and professional finish, this is something that I hope to exploit through the next module and rest of the course in both print and if I do any more motion graphics.

Finally I learnt the true value of the software sessions with Mike, I am pleased that I didn't miss any sessions and feel that through my blogging and own progression that I made the most of the techniques we were taught. I will make sure that I carry on attending all of the software sessions and expanding on the new skills in my own time.

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