
Eye chart variations

Wanted to experiment with the layouts and different colours keeping everything relevant to eye charts and the content of the poster. These might not end up being the final designs but I will see how the crit feedback goes and re-evaluate what the appropriate outcome will be.

The blue designs are the most relevant to the content but possibly compromise the legibility of the images, so I will stick with the black and white designs. Looking at the composition of the page the design where all the designs are similar sizes has a far greater visual appeal but compromises the context of eye charts and the way it is seen.

The designs with black lines and no fill are less communicatively effective but I want to find a way of making the smaller images recognisable from the set 20ft distance. I will print out a variety of the designs separate in each size and see if people can see what they are from the set distance through each size. It might also be an option to create some more dungaree vectors to fill more of the empty space on the page.

I also plan on continuing my photography based outcome to broaden my image skills, I need to start moving out of my comfort zone and get away from the computer. Finally I might cut the page down the middle making two eye chars from one A2 page as that is far more representative of genuine eye charts.

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