
Feedback 18.01.12

Was a really helpful crit working with Charlotte, actually turned out to be the ultimate critting team so we decided to do additional crits for one another and fill out our action plans to get the most out of the session. (all feedback is mixed together) Feedback based on my blog and

- The main points I need to focus on this week are defining my target audience and getting onto After Effects to get some practice videos finished.

Designed (connect people)
Good visuals (lots of lines, gives good opportunity for interesting layout and angles (composition)
Considered tone of voice

Areas for Improvement
Look at title designers to help with your design direction
Re- visit time constraints
Finalise final 10

Type / colour - finalise colour swatch variations
Will you try to make the unfolding bridge

Additional Comments
Choose specific subject - connecting people, 26 mile bridge China, bridge in France saves 6 hours
Define the 10 - To finalise visuals, bridges

Action Plan
Trace & scan bridges - for visuals when working on adverts
Decide on programming times and finalise target audience - define visual content
Preliminary animations - Progress with final video, see what works and what doesn't
Start Storyboarding - Get a better idea of how the final videos will look

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