
Add Keyframe

Silent Movie 'Drop' Reworked
The key frames were all held at the beginning and end of the clip, and when the segments of the letters were at there smallest largest points I applied either 20 or -20 degree angles on the Y axis to give the impression of the camera panning around them.

Again another really basic tool and way of working in After Effects but something that has taken me a while to pick up on and had a very positive effect on my work. Simply by adding key frames at the start and finish of the 5 seconds means that I only have to do one set of movement in the video as all the segments of the type will return to the same place. To turn them on at the start of the clip simply select the clock on the transform features that you plan on using and at the end of the clip hilight each transform control (making sure the red line is at the end of the clip) then right click and select 'Add Keyframe'

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