
5 X 5 Sequences

Now working with the whole word developing storyboards for my animations, need to really push my ideas and research more into my words to get a better variety of different situations to work with.

The bike wheel edits were all done using different glyphs and typefaces to create the image on the page, need to do this digitally and see how far it can be developed. I also want to do some video research of bike wheels spinning etc so I can actually recreate the movements, will make a collection of video research and upload the videos to vimeo.


These drop designs have a lot more promise than any of the spin ideas, I was thinking about relationship between the type and the perspective dropping it to reveal 3D / anamorphic letter forms. The square typefaces seem to be really effective but I also really like the ultra Light Helvetica where it drops a large shadow behind the word.

For the designs where the text is dropping into water I experimented with making the letter forms bigger when they went under the water to give a more realistic feel. Need to do some research into some anamorphic type projects to see how it actually looks when distorted from different perspectives.

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