

Type session
Kerning - The spacing between individual letters, to make sure a single word fits properly on a page
Letter spacing
Point size - 72th of an inch
Leading -

The space between each letter needs to be the same, the space between the I & L is to small compared to that of the A & I. A few photos showing the difference between the letters. Also some other words exploring what I think makes them read neutrally. Recognise the biggest space between the letters and kern the rest of the type to that.

Matthew - The spacing between the two Ts is horrible

>>>ONE-TWO-THREE<<< - Trying to get people to read from the bottom of the page to the top and what effect that has on the page. Initially was reading the two first because it has the most white space around it. Second one reads as one two three

Using the pause in the sentence to add to the readability of the text.

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