

The main areas that my concept boards will cover

1- Concept - 
- Better sound quality than your standard MP3 file or CD
- The dust and scratches add to authentic feel of the analogue format
- Mixing with vinyl is more responsive and reliable
- As graphic designers we love print and album art
- Nothing digital compares to the feeling of putting the needle on the record

2. Contextual references -

- Design from the 30's (introduction of the Vinyl record)
- Give Up Art - Current work, Applepips, FWD>>
- Acetate / Boiler room - Vinyl nights running in Leeds and London - 
Crisp using very few or no colours, simple and clean
- Stocks / 

3. Initial Ideas

A package promotes and directs people to experience playing a vinyl 
and try it out for themselves. I also want to try and work with current 
nightclubs such as Acetate that runs a 100% vinyl night in Leeds.

- Poster designs with statements about vinyl

- Promotional publication – including a range of vinyl sleeve designs

- Posters - smaller formats for bedroom walls - A2 / A3 as well as 
larger formats for billboards and wheat pasting

4. Imagery
- Scans of Vinyls, Negatives from photography project, 
- Black and white vector of record
- Logo Designs - 'Just Spin'

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