
Desktop Designs

A few variations in the background ideas making sure they stay consistent with the other designs. I decided to make the space for OUGD104 smaller because other than 'What is a Line' very little of the work is done on the computer. Also the simple key in the middle is easy to refer back and where there is empty space it leaves room for USB sticks or hard drives again avoiding a cluttered desktop. I choose the grey because it was much nicer to look at even on full brightness and didn't over power any of the icons. The dots provide a nice grid like effect which helps keep the files organised and hopefully will work as well on the poster designs.

The main issue with this idea is that a busy desktop slows the computer down but hopefully this way it will be completely cleared at least once a term. The designs would either come on a USB or I will put them onto an online resource maybe a website like tumblr... just something thats easy to navigate

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